Part 2: Modelling with R
In this third part of the workshop, we’ll use R to model Aedes albopictus distribution in Northern Italy. For that, we need to connect to GRASS via the rgrass
package in order to read occurrence data and predictors. The rgrass package is maintained by Bivand (2022) and can be found at: See the vignette with further explanations and examples at:
The basic functions we will use are:
: starts a GRASS GIS session from R -
: executes GRASS GIS commands -
: shows GRASS project metadata -
: read vector and raster maps from GRASS into R terra objects. -
: write R terra objects into the GRASS GIS database
We will start GRASS GIS within an R session, i.e. we connect to a GRASS project from within R (or RStudio). The steps are as follows:
- start GRASS GIS with
from R - execute GRASS GIS tools through
- use
to read data from and to GRASS database
was originally intended to apply GRASS functions on data outside GRASS projects; hence some prefer to create temporary projects.
SDM workflow
In this part of the Studio we’ll be covering the middle and right side of the SDM workflow, modeling and predictions.
There are several packages to carry out SDM, in this case we’ll be using SDMtune by Vignali et al. (2020). It provides functions covering the whole SDM workflow, from data preparation, to variable selection, optimization and evaluation. Have a look at the articles on the package website for further details:
Let’s move to R
Load packages needed
Initialize GRASS
# path to GRASS binaries (run `grass --config path`)
grassbin <- system("grass --config path", intern = TRUE)
# path to GRASS database
grassdata <- path.expand("~/grass_ncsu_2023/grassdata/")
# path to location
project <- "eu_laea"
# path to mapset
mapset <- "italy_LST_daily"
# start GRASS GIS from R
initGRASS(gisBase = grassbin,
home = tempdir(),
gisDbase = grassdata,
location = project,
mapset = mapset,
override = TRUE,
remove_GISRC= TRUE)
Read vector data
Now we read in the occurrence data and the background points hosted in GRASS, convert them to sf
objects and display them with mapview
Read raster data
We read now all the variables that we derived from the daily LST time series.
# List rasters by pattern
worldclim <- execGRASS("g.list",
parameters = list(type = "raster",
pattern = "worldclim*"))
avg <- execGRASS("g.list",
parameters = list(type = "raster",
pattern = "avg*"))
median <- execGRASS("g.list",
parameters = list(type = "raster",
pattern = "median*",
exclude = "*[1-5]"))
# Concatenate map lists
to_import <- c(attributes(worldclim)$resOut,
# Read raster layers
predictors <- list()
for (i in to_import){
predictors[i] <- read_RAST(i) }
# Stack rasters
predictors_r <- rast(predictors)
Let’s visualize imported maps. Note we convert terra object into raster because mapview
does not support terra yet.
Data preparation
Now that we have imported presence records, background points and predictor variables derived from LST time series, we need to prepare the data in a format called samples with data (SWD). This is basically a table with presence and background coordinates plus the corresponding values in the predictor variables.
# Variables for models
sp <- "Aedes albopictus"
presence_coords <- st_coordinates(presence)
background <- st_coordinates(background)
env <- predictors_r
# Prepare data: SWD
data_sp <- prepareSWD(species = sp,
p = presence_coords,
a = background,
env = env)
Define relevant variables
We define here some of the input values required through the workflow:
perc_test = 0.2
k = 4
Create train and test datasets
We will train the model with an 80% of presence samples, and leave the remaining 20% for evaluation at the end.
# Create training and test sets
c(train_sp, test_sp) %<-%
test = perc_test,
only_presence = TRUE,
seed = seed)
Create folds for cross-validation
As we will use cross-validation during the model training, we create the folds in advance. In this case we use random folds, but other methods exist. Since we are limited by the number of presence records, we will create only 4 folds. The algorithm will iteratively use 3 folds to train and 1 to validate.
# Create folds
ran_folds <- randomFolds(train_sp,
k = k,
only_presence = TRUE,
seed = seed)
Train a default Maxent model with CV
We will first train a so called full model, i.e., a model with all predictors, and from there we’ll remove those that are highly correlated and not so important.
# Train a full model
full_model_sp <- train(method = method,
data = train_sp,
folds = ran_folds)
Let’s see the predictions of the full model
Remove less important variables
After discarding correlated variables, we will also remove variables that have a percent contribution or importance lower than 10%, again accounting for AUC.
# remove less important variables only if auc does not decrease
reduc_var_sp <- reduceVar(vs_sp,
th = imp_th,
metric = "auc",
test = TRUE,
permut = perm,
use_jk = TRUE,
interactive = FALSE)
Let’s explore the result
We need now to recreate the SWD object and train/test datasets, but with the selected variables only, in order to run the final model and make predictions.
# Get only relevant variables from the reduced model
retained_varnames <- names(reduc_var_sp@models[[1]]@data@data)
# Subset stack
env <- terra::subset(env, retained_varnames)
# SWD with the selected vars
subset_train_sp <- prepareSWD(species = sp,
p = presence_coords,
a = background,
env = env)
c(train_sp, test_sp) %<-%
test = perc_test,
only_presence = TRUE,
seed = seed)
Run the best model and make predictions
Now we train the final model with the full training set, we no longer need the folds at this point. Note that we also use the feature classes (fc) and regularization (reg) from the best model obtained before. In this case, they are default values only, but if we also do hyper-parameter optimization, they might differ.
final_model_sp <- train(method = method,
data = train_sp,
fc = reduc_var_sp@models[[1]]@model@fc,
reg = reduc_var_sp@models[[1]]@model@reg)
Let’s make predictions now and explore the result
Write result back to GRASS
We can now write the raster with the final model’s predictions into the GRASS database.
flags = c("o","overwrite"))
Check the map is there
Model evaluation
We want to know how good our model is, so in this step we use the test dataset that we separated in the beginning. An AUC of 0.5 would mean the model performs like flipping a coin. AUC is what we call a threshold independent evaluation metric.
auc_maxent <- auc(final_model_sp, test = test_sp)
Usually, however, the result of SDM is converted into presence/absence maps. To determine which threshold to use we perform threshold dependent evaluations.
# Threshold dependent evaluation
th_maxent <- thresholds(final_model_sp,
type = "cloglog",
test = test_sp)
knitr::kable(th_maxent, format = 'html', digits = 2)
Let’s choose one threshold and create a binary map
Variable importance
Variable importance is an indicator of variable contribution to prediction.
vi_model_sp <- maxentVarImp(final_model_sp)
Response curves
Response curves give us an idea of the relationship between predictor variables and probability of occurrence.
We close the mapset and done
# close the mapset
This is only a simple example for doing SDM and only the beginning… There are: