State of GRASS GIS

Veronica Andreo

Instituto Gulich (CONAE-UNC)

FOSS4G 2024, Belem (Brazil), December 2-8, 2024

Veronica (Vero) Andreo

  • Researcher funded by CONICET at Gulich Institute
  • Lic. & PhD in Biology, MSc in Applications of the Spatial Information
  • GRASS GIS: Development Team, PSC chair
  • OSGeo: Charter member

The other authors of this talk

Thanks to all those involved!

What is GRASS GIS?

What is GRASS GIS?

Geek open-source command line GIS

What is GRASS GIS?

Open-source desktop GIS

What is GRASS GIS?

Processing backend in QGIS

Image source:

What is GRASS GIS?

Geovisualization and data analytics tool in R or quarto notebooks

What is GRASS GIS?

Geovisualization and data analytics tool in Python notebooks

What is GRASS GIS?

Geoprocessing engine running in an HPC environment

What is GRASS GIS?

Geospatial platform for developing custom models

What is GRASS GIS?

Cloud geoprocessing backend

Image source:

GRASS is all of that!

Robustness, Stability, Versatility, Scientific foundations


  • 8.4.0 July 2024 Current version for everyday user
  • 8.5.0 Preview, Daily Latest reviewed functional code
  • 7.8.8 Legacy, August 2023 Maintained legacy version for some production systems

New in GRASS 8.4

Tools: More machine learning

Supervised classification with Support Vector Machines

by Maris Nartiss (Nartiss & Melniks 2023)

Tools: More topology handling

v.fill.holes: Fill holes in areas by keeping only outer boundaries

by Vaclav Petras

Tools: Better horizon identification

r.horizon: Output for multiple points, distances, and many other improvements

Anna Petrasova, funded by NSF Award #2322073, granted to Natrx, Inc.

Interfaces: JSON for Text Outputs

JSON output format support (format="json") in multiple tools (, t.rast.list, …)

   roadsmajor format=json

With better integration in Python:

            import json
            import grass.script as gs
            data = gs.parse_command("", map="roadsmajor", format="json")
            for row in data["records"]:

More coming in 8.5 (,, …)

by Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras, Huidae Cho, Kriti Birda, Corey White, and others

locations became projects!!

The Python API, command line, and GUI are now using project instead of location for the main component of the data hiearchy.

  • ~/data
    • missouri (location → project)
      • interstate_44 (mapset aka sub-project)

CLI: --tmp-project with --exec

--tmp-location is now --tmp-project
grass --tmp-project EPSG:3358 --exec \
            r.viewshed input=elevation \
            output=viewshed coordinates=642964,222890

--tmp-location continues to work

Python API: Simpler Creation of Projects

grass.script Python package:

Creation of new projects greatly simplified in Python without a running session (no more chicken and egg problems)

            import grass.script as gs

            gs.create_project("cordoba_utm21s", epsg="32721")
by Vaclav Petras, funded by NSF Award #2322073, granted to Natrx, Inc.

Python API: Animations and ipyleaflet

grass.jupyter Python package:

  • New grass.jupyter.SeriesMap class for animating series of vectors or rasters (temporal animations already available)
  • New option to create a maps with ipyleaflet (will bring interactivity in 8.5)

        s = gj.SeriesMap(height = 500)
        s.add_rasters(["elevation_shade", "geology", "soils"])
        s.add_vectors(["streams", "streets", "viewpoints"])
        m = InteractiveMap(map_backend="ipyleaflet")
by Caitlin Haedrich, Riya Saxena, Anna Petrasova

GUI: New history browser panel

by Linda Karlovska with a GRASS GIS Student Grant

Addon Tools: Wind-water Interactions

r.windfetch – distance which winds blow without obstruction

by Anna Petrasova, funded by NSF Award #2322073, granted to Natrx, Inc.

Addons tools: STAC support, SDM, faster flow accumulation...

  • t.stac toolset: Explore metadata and ingest SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) items, collections, and catalogs.
  • r.flowaccumulation: Calculates flow accumulation using MEFA parallel algorithm by H. Cho (2023).
  • r.maxent.train & r.maxent.predict: train and predict a Maxent model to create a suitability distribution maps.
  • ... plotting tools, and tools to streamline access to different types of data.


Mentoring and Student Grants Program

  • Student grants to contribute to GRASS GIS: 1 student in 2023-2024.
  • Mentoring to integrate GRASS GIS into your workflows: 11 people working on various topics.

Calls are open!

GSoC 2024

Add EODAG support to GRASS GIS

Student: Hamed Ashraf
Mentors: Luca Delucchi, Veronica Andreo, Stefan Blumentrath

i.eodag: Downloads imagery datasets from various providers through the EODAG library.

            v.extract input=urbanarea where="NAME = 'Durham'" output=durham
            i.eodag -l start=2022-05-25 end=2022-06-01 clouds=30 \
                    map=durham dataset=S2_MSI_L2A provider=cop_dataspace

Improve GRASS user experience in Jupyter Notebook

Student: Riya Saxena
Mentors: Anna Petrasova, Corey White

Enable users to query attribute values and draw geometries, display and change the computational region, support for custom CRS

Add JSON output to different GRASS tools in C

Student: Kriti Birda
Mentors: Corey White and Vaclav Petras

            r.what map=MOD11B3.A2015001.h11v05.single_LST_Day_6km points=firestations format=json
                    "easting": 620856.95858763403,
                    "northing": 230066.38313210499,
                    "MOD11B3.A2015001.h11v05.single_LST_Day_6km": {
                        "value": 14045
                    "easting": 625331.91859749099,
                    "northing": 229990.82160762601,
                    "MOD11B3.A2015001.h11v05.single_LST_Day_6km": {
                        "value": 14099
                    "easting": 615797.66547487001,
                    "northing": 213363.99261982701,
                    "MOD11B3.A2015001.h11v05.single_LST_Day_6km": {
                        "value": 14031


Community growth

  • Two new contributors with write access: Edouard Choiniere and Linda Karlovska. Welcome!!

  • Three new GRASS GIS babies! Congratulations!!

Community Meeting Prague 2024

Thanks to our sponsors, individual and anonymous contributors!!


PSC Elections

  • PSC elections to replace 4 seats completed by mid-October; 3 new members, 1 re-elected

Project Mission and Roadmap

Funding of Maintenance

NSF grant lead by NC State

  • NSF grant awarded to NC State, ASU, NMSU, Yale
  • to enhance infrastructure
  • to revise contributing guidelines
  • to support community building

Note: The NSF program is aiming at sustainability, not adding features, fixing bugs, or ongoing maintenance.

Get involved!

All contributions are welcome!

Write code or docs

Translate in Weblate

Translation status

Tell others what you know

  • Write tutorials for different applications or showcase your GRASS use cases
  • Currently at: OSGeo/grass-tutorials
Do you have a GRASS GIS use case you want to showcase? Talk to me later

Sponsor GRASS GIS!

  • Donation (one-time, any amount), Supporter starts at 10 USD/month, Sponsor starts at 500 USD/year
  • Feedback? Talk to me about being part of the solution!

Get in touch with us!
With support of CONICET, FOSS4G and the GRASS GIS project